David Barzilay Charity

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


When it comes to making a contribution to charity, it does not always have to be in the form of cash. You can also donate in kind. For instance, if you are low on funds and yet feeling the urge to donate, you could make difference by giving away items in your possessions. Take care to ensure that these items are still in good condition. You could also get in touch with your neighbors and ask them to make a donation of old items in their possession. Or else you could simply volunteer at a charity and help them with their projects. It is the ability to lend a helping hand that counts. To know more about making a donation, please click on the links listed below.   http://bit.ly/2g8hCKT


Monday, December 5, 2016

Charity Events

Marathon is one of the most preferred charity events when it comes to raising funds for a cause. The reasons for this are obvious. For starters, well hosted mararthons manage to attract a lot of attention among the public. The event receives thousands applications from participants and is also telecast live to millions of members on TV. This enables the organizers to reach out to some of the top brands in the city. With proper planning, most marathon charity events managed to break even just by attracting sponsors. Then they also encourage people to make donations and also charge a small fee from the athletes. To know more about how to host a marathon, please click on the link provided below.  http://bit.ly/2g3w2Mj


Sunday, December 4, 2016

David Barzilaiy

When it comes to finding information on various things related to the charity industry, the David Barzilaiy could serve as your one stop solution to all your queries. This online site features thousands of articles on charities. From giving top 10 lists on charities all around  the world to providing summaries on various individual charities, you can get all kinds of up to date information here. The site is regularly visited by donors and industry professionals. The site also features tons of articles that provide tips on various issues that are relevant to the charity industry. To know more, click on the David Barzilaiy link provided below on this page. http://bit.ly/2g1ozZs


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Charity Work

Are you interested in doing charity work but have trouble in figuring out where to start? The charity industry has evolved to become a massive field today and there are a number of avenues in which you could volunteer or even join as an employee. Some of the most common causes espoused by charities include education, health care, child protection services, animal and environmental conservation, emergency relief and poverty alleviation. If you are looking for more choices in term of charity work, please click on the link mentioned below to learn more.  http://bit.ly/1lMfBCK


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Non profit organization

Do you have trouble zeroing down on a non profit organization to which you are looking to make a donation? This is a common problem faced by a lot of first time donors. They just don’t know where to start since there are too many charities to choose from, which includes more than a million organizations in the US alone. One effective way to pick a charity is by using a site called charity navigator. This is a charity watchdog which critiques and reviews big and small charities based on the projects handled by them and their financial efficiency towards carrying out their charity work. Through their rating system, you can avoid donating to fraudulent charities and ensure that your money is being put to good use. http://bit.ly/2drNEjL


Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Do you want to volunteers in one of those foundations that is being credited for doing excellent charity work? Volunteering has become very popular in several countries and research studies show that more and more youngsters are drawn to this line of work. It has become common place to see students take a year of from studies to become involved in charity work. From cooking food in soup kitchens to providing emergency relief in disaster prone areas, there are number of different ways in which you can lend a helping hand. Here is a look at some of the different options that are there at your disposal if you are looking to become a volunteer. http://bit.ly/2fPqNyf
